
Showing posts from October, 2021


⛰ What It's About Lou Bloom, a petty thief who is desperate for a job, finds his real passion which is being a "nightcrawler", a journalist who works at night to look for occurrences on the streets to capture using his camera and then sell to the channels. As soon as his reputation as a stringer starts to improve, he gradually loses his humanity to make more money. Instead of becoming an observer of the crime, he becomes a participant in the crime! 🧠 Thoughts Overview Lou Bloom is a selfish creep in this movie; Gyllenhaal (the actor) plays a nearly perfect sociopath: audacious, extremely intelligent, selfish, and completely lacking of any emotions at all. He'd do anything to make his business grow even if that comes at the expense of innocent people. This movie shows us how one selfish jerk may make a whole city like LA fearful of a crime that isn't real or a crime that Lou himself caused one way or another. It also shows us how man can be driven by money and how